Friday, August 9, 2019

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 41

Discussion - Assignment Example It is also worth mentioning that both the knife and electric water pump require to be operated manually and the operator has to do some ‘work’. Thus, in this case, the issue of laziness doesn’t arise at all. According to the BLS American Time Use Survey, A.C. Nielsen Co. conducted in the first quarter of 2012, the average American spends slightly over 5 hours a day watching television. While on the surface he figure looks staggering, it is important to note that the figure takes into account people beyond retirement age who while away entire days in care centres glued to the screen of television. The bulk of he productive population would typically watch television only when having dinner and during weekends. To them, this is more like a hobby than a lifestyle. As with regards to the use of technology and it making us more lazy,nothing can be farther from the truth. It is a matter of perception, which has evolved over time. Fifty years ago the word â€Å"hardworking† was directly proportional to the muscle one possessed and the amount of sweat shed and effort spent in the process. Today, one could achieve much more using by far less energy. A housewife could use tools like washing machine, dishwasher and vacuum cleaner and make her house sparkling clean within a short period of time. Without these, the same housewife would take a whole day performing the same tasks, and probably wouldn’t do it as well as he machines would. To sum it all up, I’d like to remind us that machines are tools meant to assist us in performing tasks and making our lives more comfortable. They are here not to replace us or do our jobs for us, but as tools at our disposal. Life would not be as comfortable or well-advanced were I not for machines. Let us embrace them and appreciate their usefulness in our daily

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